Baby Gianna

posted in: Baby, Family, Portraits | 1

We spent a wonderful weekend down in Kileen visiting our friends Dana and Eric and their new baby.You may remember Dana and Eric from their maternity photos. As expected, their baby is adorable! At the time of these photos, Giana was 5 weeks old. In my mind, Ria is still a baby, but next to Gianna, she looked like a toddler. It is crazy how quickly they grow and change! Dana and Eric, you have a beautiful little girl!


So curious and aware!
So curious and aware!


"OK, mom, that's enough with the kisses!"
“OK, mom, that’s enough with the kisses!”


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Such a beautiful little family!


  1. Salli Gonzalez

    These are so beautiful! I hope you frame some of these Dana! Good job Katie!

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